With ‘collision’ being handled by the separation algorithms, a simple Physics Object class was developed to replecate some basic rigid body functionality.
public class PhysicsObject : MonoBehaviour
/// <summary>
/// Handles basic physics calculations
/// </summary>
//TODO make get porpertys and method for apply forces so that these are hidden
public Vector3 Position { get ; private set ; } //current postion of the object
public Vector3 Velocity { get ; private set ; } //current velocity of the object
[ SerializeField ] [ Range ( 0 , 1 )] private float drag ; //amout to slow velocity by every update
private void Start ()
Position = transform . position ;
public void AddForce ( Vector3 force )
Velocity += force ;
private void FixedUpdate ()
//get the current position
Position = transform . position ;
//move by velocity
Position += Velocity * Time . deltaTime ;
//apply to transform
transform . position = Position ;
//apply drag
Velocity *= 1 - drag ;