Course Load

Course Load



January 25, 2020


Initial Design

I started by creating a quick markup of all the main components and features I wanted to include


Version 1

For the first version I focused on getting the core lifetime of an assignment down. This included creating, editing, and removing the assignment.

I was also able to add in better designs for editing class colors and selecting a day of the month.

Main Screen Create Screen Color Screen
Main screen displays all active assignments in scrolling list Create screen is used to create or edit assignments with name, date, and class Color screen is used to update class names and color labels

Version 2

For the second version I added some additional features like the animated menu and icons as well as a count for the number of assignments per class.

I also added drop shadows to create more visual separation

Main Scree Task Screen
Color Screen Info Screen
Static Menu  

Github Project

Calendar Select

The calendar selection uses Zellers Congruence to figure out which day of the week to start the month on and display a calender view

public void SetDays(int month, int year)
    viewingMonth = month;

    int firstDayIndex = Zellercongruence(1, month, year);
    int lastDay = DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month);

    int week = 0;
    int day = 1;
    //loop over every (row / week) 
    for(week = 0; week < dayTexts.Count; week++)
        //loop over every day in the week
        for (int i = 0; i < dayTexts[week].Length; i++)
            //disable selected
            dayToggles[week][i].interactable = false;
            dayToggles[week][i].enabled = true;
            dayToggles[week][i].isOn = false;
            //set blank in first week before first day
            if (week == 0 && i < firstDayIndex)
                dayTexts[week][i].text = "   ";
                dayToggles[week][i].enabled = false;
            //set day while still not at the last day
            else if (day <= lastDay)
                dayTexts[week][i].text = (day < 10 ? " " : "") + day;
                dayToggles[week][i].interactable = true;

                //select the toggle if it was previously selected
                if (selectedMonth == month && selectedDay == day)
                    dayToggles[week][i].isOn = true;

                dayTexts[week][i].text = "   ";
                dayToggles[week][i].enabled = false;

public void ToggleSelect(Text displayText, Toggle displayToggle)
    selectedMonth = viewingMonth;
    int.TryParse(displayText.text, out selectedDay);

private int Zellercongruence(int day, int month, int year)
    if (month == 1)
        month = 13;
    if (month == 2)
        month = 14;
    int q = day;
    int m = month;
    int k = year % 100;
    int j = year / 100;
    int h = q + 13 * (m + 1) / 5 + k + k / 4
                             + j / 4 + 5 * j;
    h = h % 7;

    return h;

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