Medical Research

Medical Research



December 10, 2018


The virus in this game is a disease that causes itching. I wanted to have some sort of biological basis and jargon for describing it and fleshing out how this virus might actually affect people. The following is a brief summary of that research.

  • Itching is caused by the release of histamines that boost blood flow to the affected area and causes inflammatory response to aid in the healing of the wound.
    • communicates messages to the brain
    • Triggers release of stomach acid to aid in digestion
    • Released as part of the immune response
    • Increases the permeability of the capillaries to white blood cells and some blood plasma proteins
    • Dilates the surrounding blood vessels
  • Pruriceptive neurons respond to at least one chemical that makes us itch
    • Type of Nociceptive Neuron with smaller diameter nerve fibers responsible for pain response
    • ‘Pruere’ is Latin for ‘to itch’
  • Histamines are produced by Mast Cells
  • Basophils are a type of white blood cell
    • release histamine during allergic reactions
  • Diamine oxidase (DAO) break down histamines
  • Antihistamines block the binding of histamines to receptor sites

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